Csaba Kőrösi, born in Szeged (Hungary), is the 77th President of the UN General Assembly. As a career diplomat, he have spent entire professional life in public service, combining national duties with assignments received from various international communities.
He has held several high-ranking positions, including Deputy State Secretary in charge of security policy, multilateral diplomacy and human rights ; Vice-President of the UN General Assembly (2011-12) ; Co-chair of the UN Open Working Group on SDGs ; State Secretary for Environmental Sustainability, Office of the President of Hungary (2015-2022) ; etc.
As Director (State Secretary) of the Office of the President of Hungary, he had the duty and privilege to work alongside the President of the Republic in discharging his functions as a member of the High-level Panel on Water, co-convened by the Secretary-General and the President of the World Bank Group. He performed a similar role in the framework of the Water and Climate Leaders panel, co-convened by the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization and the President of UN-Water.
During his tenure as President of the UN General Assembly , he was the co-chair of the intergovernmental process (Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals) tasked with producing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals at its heart.
He is a founding member of the Hungarian Scientific Panel on Climate Change and a permanent invitee to the Presidential Committee on Sustainable Development at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National Council on Sustainable Development at the Hungarian National Assembly.